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Hello, by trying to update by "sudo pacman -Syu" I'm receiving the following warning:
warning: cannot resolve "protobuf=", a dependency of "python-protobuf"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:
:: Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N] n
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: unable to satisfy dependency 'protobuf=' required by python-protobuf
By selecting "y" package is skipped and I can upgrade other ones without any problem.
In order to provide more informations:
sudo pacman -Q |grep protobuf
protobuf 3.5.2-1.0
protobuf-c 1.3.0-2.0
python-protobuf 3.5.2-1.0
Last edited by Framerius (2018-12-02 10:26:40)
Aha. python-protobuf is linked against, protobuf in stable is protobuf-3.5.2. So protobuf must be pushed to stable.
Aeh. I have to force rebuild of python-protobuf. This one is still the old one.
Any update on this topic? On my system the issue is still valid.
Looks to me like protobuf 6.0 still needs to be pushed from testing. I dunno if it works though; I have it installed from installing pidgin I think, but I don't knowingly use it. I think I stopped using pidgin before this update (I've switched to weechat these days), but it at least installs.
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
Another month have passed and I still see the warning message about the protobuf package every time I'm updating my system. Have I missed something?
I've raised this on the bug tracker, so it's less likely to get lost in the traffic than here: … task_id=55
In an ideal world, more of these things would be raised directly on the bug tracker, but the problem is even after you register for an account you need to badger the team to be able to raise bugs (last time I checked at least). I'm not sure if you can even watch a task without elevated privileges.
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
I moved the respective packages - can you check if the problem persist on your end?
Thanks for moving: I can confirm on stable protobuf 3.6.1-1.4 and python-protobuf 3.6.1-1.4
Hello again,
it has been working for a while but now I have this error message when trying to update the system:
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing protobuf (3.6.1-1.4) breaks dependency 'protobuf=' required by python-protobuf
It completely blocks me from any updating. Shall I raise it on a bug tracer?
I'll look into it.
python-protobuf 3.6.1-1.4 is now in [extra]
Working perfectly, thank you.
can you change the title of the thread to [solved], then, please?