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Pages: 1
I just tested an old machine which was not updated since the migration to Archlinux32.
The only thing I needed to ignore is a dependency to libfontxxx something (-d option
runing pacman -Syyuu).
It's a Lenovo T42, alive and kicking. :-)
It's a wee bit like awaking again an old tractor. you turn the crank and the bulldog runs...
..actually, the Lenovo serves well as a terminal and browser in a server room. :-)
(nice picture :-) )
According to wiki's T series page, the T43 was the last IBM branded T-series thinkpad, and chronoloically I think the T42 did come before that, believe it or not. Of course, large parts of it were probably made by one of lenovo's subsidiaries at the time.
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
Pages: 1