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Hello Developer
[arch32yes@arch ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu
:: Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
core ist aktuell
extra ist aktuell
community ist aktuell
:: Starte vollständige Systemaktualisierung...
Löse Abhängigkeiten auf...
Suche nach in Konflikt stehenden Paketen...
Pakete (17) archlinux32-keyring-20200113-1.0
cantarell-fonts-1:0.200-1.0 e2fsprogs-1.45.5-1.0
firefox-72.0.1-1.0 firefox-i18n-de-72.0.1-1.0
glib-networking-2.62.3-1.0 gvim-8.2.0100-1.0
iproute2-5.4.0-2.0 iptables-1:1.8.4-1.0
libgusb-0.3.1-2.0 libkscreen-5.17.5-1.0
nss-3.49-1.0 sed-4.8-1.0
vim-runtime-8.2.0100-1.0 xorg-server-1.20.6-3.0
Gesamtgröße der installierten Pakete: 263,41 MiB
Größendifferenz der Aktualisierung: 8,24 MiB
:: Installation fortsetzen? [J/n]
The package xorg-server-1.20.6-3.0 and xorg-server-common-1.20.6-3.0 doesn't work at this time.
My solution:
sudo pacman -Syu --ignore=xorg-server --ignore=xorg-server-common
Nice, now we have Firefox 72.
Last edited by arch32yes (2020-01-18 22:09:28)
What do you mean they don't work? My German comprehension isn't the best, but I see no error there, as far as you ran it.
I currently have both of those packages installed at the versions you specify. Presumably they installed cleanly on my system.
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
Hello levi,
my xserver doesn't start in my Archlinux32 Virtualbox VM.
Ah okay. What DE are you using? Are there any logs either printed to screen (which you won't see if your using a greeter to be fair) or what's in your Xorg.0.log (which'll be in ~/.local/share/xorg/ if you run x as a local user, or /var/log if you run it from a greeter as root)
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
Hello levi, i use LXQT.
But now i have another problem to:
Last edited by arch32yes (2020-01-20 10:04:29)
Thank you