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Is it possible to retrieve the build script like we do on ArchLinux? The Arch packages refuse to build for now for 32 bits. It is probably just a matter to add it in the supported arch of the PKGBUILD but is there an official Archlinux32 svn/git/other repository?
I've been downloading the build scripts with asp, as I had been doing before. The only thing is that some packages PKGBUILD have been updated to reflect that they need x64 architecture.
I've been able to overcome this by just editing the PKGBUILD files. I'd like to know if there's a repository for your current build scripts, similar to${remote}.git. Also, being asp basically a bash script, I'd like to edit it so that it fetches data from the arch32 repo, or better yet, I'd like to know if you're planning to maintain asp itself so that I dont have to do the editing myself.
Hi, I was actually thinking about a similar script myself.
In theory it should be a simple extension to asp:
- download the original from$remote.git
(remote being packages or community)
- download the diff PKGBUILD and additional files from$repo/$package (repo being
core, extra or community), see also the builder scripts in the Archlinux32
repo 'builder'.
- Concatenate original PKGBUILD and diff PKGBUILD and patch the architecture
to 'i686'
That should be all.
Maybe a fork of 'asp' as 'asp32' is an idea and to put it into the 'Archlinux32'
github universe?
I'm actually thinking of generalizing this: I need another patch layer for i486 and yet another one
for cross-compilation, so having an 'asp'-like script also for this would serve me well.
I opened a github repo with a clone of asp:
Let me prepare the renames, the AUR packaging, so that both 'asp' ans 'asp32' can be
installed in parallel.
Last edited by andreas_baumann (2018-01-02 09:40:59)
Pages: 1