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Suche nach in Konflikt stehenden Paketen...
Pakete (42) archlinux32-keyring-20200219-1.0 bison-3.5.2-1.0 breeze-icons-5.67.0-1.0
gcc-9.2.1+20200130-2.0 gcc-libs-9.2.1+20200130-2.0 glib2-2.62.4-2.0 glibc-2.31-1.0
gmp-6.2.0-1.0 imagemagick- kidletime-5.67.0-1.0 kwayland-5.67.0-1.0
kwindowsystem-5.67.0-1.0 libfm-qt-0.14.1-3.0 libgpg-error-1.37-1.0
libinput-1.15.1-1.0 libldap-2.4.49-1.0 libqtxdg-3.4.0-3.0
libtool-2.4.6+42+gb88cebd5-10.0 libusbmuxd-2.0.1-1.0
linux-firmware-20200204.b791e15-1.0 md4c-0.4.3-1.0 nano-4.8-1.0 ntp-4.2.8.p13-3.0
python-packaging-20.1-1.0 python-setuptools-1:45.2.0-1.0 qt5-base-5.14.1-2.0
qt5-declarative-5.14.1-1.0 qt5-location-5.14.1-1.0 qt5-sensors-5.14.1-1.0
qt5-svg-5.14.1-1.0 qt5-tools-5.14.1-1.0 qt5-webchannel-5.14.1-1.0
qt5-webkit-5.212.0alpha3-9.0 qt5-x11extras-5.14.1-1.0 qt5-xmlpatterns-5.14.1-1.0
solid-5.67.0-1.0 spirv-tools-2019.5-2.0 tlp-1.3.1-2.0 ttf-liberation-2.1.0-1.0
wayland-1.18.0-1.0 xorg-server-1.20.7-1.0 xorg-server-common-1.20.7-1.0
Gesamtgröße des Downloads: 398,80 MiB
Gesamtgröße der installierten Pakete: 1734,18 MiB
Größendifferenz der Aktualisierung: 602,75 MiB
If i install this package, i don't can boot my Archlinux32 System.
The message: journal xb ........
My systemimage 2020 feb 14 works without problem.
How can i solved the problem?
glibc 2.31 made it to stable! This version of glibc doesn't work with libseccomp 2.4.1. The only
thing you can do is boot from a rescue system (CD, USB) and install the old glibc 2.30-3.1 from or from your local pacman cache.
I made a public announcment.
@archlinuxyestwo: please do not post into the public announcment area if you want to have somebody to reset
your password. Either do it yourself with the reset my password link or at least write to a forum admin per mail.
So is this a re-occuration of this? Should the erroneous (in combination at least) glibc not be removed from the repos as it was the last time?
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
Too late for me. My remotely administered box never came back up
Yeah, even remotely instructing someone to fix this is going to be rather involved. Last time this happened to me, I needed to boot off an old install dvd, mount the partitions, arch-chroot in then install the old package from my cache. Guiding anyone through that is likely to be long and expensive.
Although I do hope you're not paying someone to host an ancient 32-bit only box in some colo station somewhere. I guess remotely administered boxes also account for boxes physically located at your partner's place, or your folks' place. Or you're one of those helping out in testing arch32 on actual modern hardware.
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
I can drive over to the place and fix it (same city) but the emulation function the PC performs is relatively non-essential and given the project only has a few months left in it I may not bother.
Hello, if i install now the new glibc my Chromium Browser doesn*t start.
i686 i686/extra chromium 74.0.3729.169-2.0 2019-05-27 14:26:09 2019-06-03 16:21:39
pentium4 pentium4/extra chromium 79.0.3945.117-1.0 2020-01-09 09:24:44 2020-01-16 12:26:59
pentium4 pentium4/testing chromium 80.0.3987.122-1.1 2020-02-27 12:08:26 2020-02-27 12:28:23
Hello, i use glibc 2.31 my chromium doesn't start at this time.
When we get Chromium 80.0.3987.122-1.1 ?
Last edited by arch322yes (2020-02-28 14:06:21)
See … ask_id=105
Are those the same libseccomp messages you see (start chomium from a terminal)?
Hello abaumann,
yes, i get the same message in the terminal, if i start chromium in the terminal.