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I am new to the forum so asking this question here. I have been trying to install on my early 2006 Macbook pro with Intel Cor Duo (not Core2Duo). I succeeded in booting from USB by booting through Pop blot boot cd. but the problem is the MBP stays on first boot splash screen and neither the keyboard or mouse pad work. I tried till now installing rEFInd without success. Is there a way out to this problem or someone can suggest some other booting method. Help would be highly appreciated.Thanks
I've split this out into a new topic since the thread you'd chosen to write it to wasn't really the right place for it, and if this finds an answer it'll be easier to find in here.
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
I was successfully installing it on a similar Mac (but Core Duo 2) (see … ook-a1211/).
I remember that getting reFind to boot a 32-bit grub which then boots the 64-bit kernel works around problems with reFIT.
Can you post your exact model (Axxxx)?