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I try to upgrade Nextcloud to the latest 20.0.5 , but makepkg keep complaning about wrong pgp key ?
And : sudo pacman-key --recv-keys D75899B9A724937A
Tell me the key is there !? What am I doing wrong ? Anybody knows ?
This key is used to verify the source, I presume? In that case, it has to be in your local keyring. What does
gpg --list-keys D75899B9A724937A
gpg --list-keys D75899B9A724937A
says gpg: error reading key: no public key
Well, I know I'm using the up stream package but .. .?
gpg --list-keys D75899B9A724937A
says gpg: error reading key: no public key
so you need to import it:
gpg --recv-keys D75899B9A724937A
Well, I know I'm using the up stream package but .. .?
Yes, but makepkg wants to verify the tarball itself (it's written in the PKGBUILD, which key the package should be signed with.)
Hmm I did the import "gpg --recv-keys D75899B9A724937A" gpg gave me fault keyserver.
But it now makepkg stoped give gpg errors !! So I guess it did something .
Thanks for the feedback @deep42thought
Pages: 1