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Package hwids is scheduled for removal and should be replaced by core/hwdata, however libosinfo still depends on hwids, even the one in "testing".
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
extra is up to date
community is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace hwids with core/hwdata? [Y/n]
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing hwids breaks dependency 'hwids' required by libosinfo
Last edited by mhdry (2022-01-16 09:00:34)
Yep, known: … ask_id=227
Needs several rebuilds. Now gobject-introspection is fixed (thanks to upstreams :-) ), so I'll give libosinfo another try..
.. yep, looks promising, I'll retrigger a rebuild and a push to stable.
Yes, thank you; seems to work for me, too. Marked as solved...